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Climate change and changes of humanity: Why shouldn’t I drink from a plastic straw?

Association “Petit Philosophy”


At the beginning of the workshop, the teacher/facilitator briefly describes the course of the workshop to his students.

– Why do we need to minimize the use of plastic?

– How much are we surrounded by plastic? Is there any part of our life where there is no plastic??

– What would this world look like without plastic? Better or worse?

– Plastic is one of the biggest pollutants. Do you know what other big polluters are?

– Climate change has started unstoppably. What can we do to reduce the effects of climate change?

Can we use digital resources to reduce the effects of climate change? How?  

Students can do independent research about some digital platforms that research climate change and bring some results in that area. The Greenpeace organization is one of those, but perhaps some new technological achievements can be mentioned through which climate change can be researched and monitored and thus reduced. Some of the organizations can be found in the supplementary materials of this document.

These questions are conceived as a high-quality discussion in which the leader will see how much the students know about the topic of the workshop, but it is also an integral part of the workshop.


This workshop is a combination of several methods of work: Socratic dialogue, drawing, writing, communities of philosophical inquiry. The main objectives of this workshop are:

– to show how we can raise awareness of the problem of climate change and its consequences

– introduce students to the concept of sustainable development and the main goals of sustainable development

– through a couple of small exercises, make people aware of how a straw, even like a small straw, can harm nature, as well as us

– show how to find instructions and solutions in the digital world on stopping the negative consequences of climate change.

Materials that should be issued include: it would be good if every student could use his or her mobile phone (with an internet connection), computer, projector, and paper for students.

Learning outcomes that will be attained through the workshop Students will:

– take small but important steps to prevent the consequences of climate change

– learn how to think critically about their environment

– know the importance of sustainable development

– become familiar with the goals of sustainable development.


Part I.  Introduction to topics with discussion (up to 15 minutes)

The facilitator asks the students the basic question as an introduction to workshop. He explains to the students the goal of our workshop. That goal he will introduce with a several questions:

  • Why do we need to minimize the use of plastic?
  • How much are we surrounded by plastic? Is there any part of our life where there is no plastic??
  • What would this world look like without plastic? Better or worse?
  • Plastic is one of the biggest pollutants. Do you know what other big polluters are?
  • Climate change has started unstoppably. What can we do to reduce the effects of climate change?
  • Can we use digital resources to reduce the effects of climate change? How?

It is recommended that the teacher discuss these questions with effects in a Socratic dialogue. It is recommended that this part, this introduction last up to 15 minutes.

Part II. What is sustainable development and how to denote it? (up to 25 minutes)

After discussion, as a last question teacher ask students do they know about sustainable development. Through the discussion, the teacher explains the basic concept of sustainable development. Then teacher gives the first task to the students. In group of two student, they need to find on Internet infographics which show the basic goals of sustainable development. When they find they need to locate which of the stated goals is most threatened by the excessive use of plastic. Give to your student 5-7 minutes to do their task.
After five minutes, each group (of two students) must explain in 60 seconds what they have researched. The teacher/facilitator looks at the clock, the students must present exactly in 60 seconds. After one group presents theirs, the others have a chance to ask them two or three questions. It is necessary for each group to present its 60 seconds.

A possible example: Student can choose “Life under the water” as a goal is most threatened by the excessive use of plastic. They can argue that lot of plastic ends up in the sea, both large pieces of plastic and microplastic. Large pieces of plastic get stuck in the mouths and throats of marine animal, and microplastics slightly poison all sea creatures, and therefore also humans. The majority of plastic pollution in the ocean is caused by littering: we buy or use disposable plastic items (food wrappings, plastic bags, razors, bottles, etc.) and do not dispose of them properly, which cause them to end up in the waterways and eventually in the ocean. While the students argue their choice, the teacher writes on the board the chosen sustainable goals. In the end, a sustainable goal is chosen for which plastic is the worst enemy. This is the one that was chosen the most times. If some goals are chosen several times, then the students vote and thus choose the most threatened goal.

Part III. Finding a way to stop the plastic? (up to 15 minutes)

When the most threatened goal of sustainable development is chosen, the teacher gives a new task to the students. They must try to find quality suggestions on how to prevent plastic on the Internet. Give students 5 minutes for this task in the same groups as for the first task. Let them surf, let them explore. After five minutes, each group must come up with at least one proposal to prevent plastic from destroying sustainable goals.


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1 Comment

  • kljlzhcxtl
    Posted November 24, 2023 at 10:02 am

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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